Rural Community Hospitals of America, LLC, (RCHA) is an industry leading company for the purpose of managing small rural hospitals, both public and private, Critical Access Hospitals and small rural PPS hospitals. Our corporate goal is to manage hospitals that are cost efficient and offer the highest quality care. We can assist communities in replacing older hospitals with new, state-of-the art facilities.
Since 1982, RCHA's executive management team has provided consulting, development, and management services to more than 800 hospitals throughout the United States. Rural Community Hospitals of America, LLC, was formed to specialize in the management, operation, strategic and financial planning, and new service development for inpatient and outpatient healthcare providers
In the past years, RCHA’s executive management team has worked with over 200 rural hospitals, 150 of which have been Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). RCHA’s engagements have included approximately 25 major hospital replacement or expansion projects.
The experience among RCHA’s management and consultants is diverse, representing skills in planning, marketing, finance, reimbursement, operations, and nursing.
Because of our complementary skills and experiences, we are able to propose plans and make recommendations that reflect the complicated considerations involved in the planning and delivery of healthcare services.
RCHA currently manages twelve Critical Access Hospitals and two small rural PPS hospitals in five states.
RCHA manages this hospital.